The Streets of the Lava

The Streets of the Lava route will be an adventure among caves, lava flows and vineyards. We will visit a cave through an excursion towards the 2001 lava flow. Walking among lava stone sculptures and rows of a wonderful vineyard we will show you the different types of grapes.

You will create a vinarello, a watercolor that uses wine and various concentrations as a colorant, and finally a tasting of selected typical Sicilian products and glasses of Etna DOC wine from Tenuta Papale.

Duration: about 4 hours | Wines on tasting: 4 | Languages: English, French and Italian

For 2 people
€ 80,00 /person – “Cava e Vinarello” experience – Wine tasting

More than 2 people

€ 73,00 /person – “Cava e Vinarello” experience – Wine tasting
€ 70,00 /person – “Cava” experience – Wine tasting
€ 60,00 /persona – “Vinarello” experience – Wine tasting


DOC sensations

Our “DOC sensation” tour includes a walk through the discovery of Tenuta Papale vineyards, and a guided tasting of our Etna Bianco DOC, Etna Rosso DOC 2018 harvest, our Etna Rosso DOC 2016 reserve, Etna Rosso DOC 2014 reserve.

The intense taste of our wines will be accompanied by a selection of cured meats, cheeses and other typical

products, which will enhance the different nuances of our wines, in a unique territory as Etna.

Duration: about 90 min | Wines on tasting: 4 | € 42,00 /per person


The flavor of Sicilian lands

This tasting includes a tour to discover the Tenuta Papale vineyards and a rich and fascinating tasting path of our wines Terre Siciliane Chardonnay, Rosato, e Nerello Mascalese, authentic expressions of our vineyards.

The different shades of our three labels will be accompanied by typical first quality products.

Duration: about 90 min | Wines on tasting: 3 | € 32,00 /per person


Sicily’s Green Gold

This experience provides the tasting of our extra virgin oil (EVO) “Nocellara Etna” variety, an oil with a light texture but rich in green notes.

This experience of taste includes a visit of our olive groves continued by oil tasting, olives, olive paste,

served with bread of different flours and breadsticks, excellent for perceiving the aftertaste , the hints and

the aromas of our oil.

Duration: about 60 min€ 22,00 /per person